Add them in if they are missing - Kwenn 19:35, 11 June 2006 (UTC).What about the missions between Chandrilla and Korriban? Let's see.Tanaab, Yalara, Byss, Ord Mantell, and Taspir III. Jedi Outcast did the same thing with Mon Mothma's Chief Of State Title. Since Jaden mentions Leia Organa, when she's already supposed to be married to Han, is this game technically apocryphal? Or is Jaden just ignorant of blatantly obvious galactic new?
In fact, there are several others that's quite big, such as RPG-Zone, RPG-World, RPG-System, and RPG-Generations. Should really Elite RP be linked? They are not the only server using the game as a RPG. If I am correct then why does the link Dark Jedi on this page redirect to the Sith page. I thought that Dark Jedi and the Sith were two different things (you can still be a jedi but turn to the dark side, whereas to become a sith you must be taught Sith training).